France and Canada have low nuclear energy prices.
   France nuclear energy prices raised by 4% while UK was 54%.
   Because it is cheaper over 80 years.
   Reliable 24/7 energy is needed by manufacturing..
   Lots of full time jobs added in many areas.
   Low land footprint is good for environment.

   We buy nuclear SMR from UK US devisifying trade.
   SMR placed on old coal sites, grid to site already.
   With mass production nuclear SMR will get cheaper.
   China installing 150 SMR UK 15.

   Renewables build is causing cost of living.
   Need to build high cost grid long distances to solar farms.
   World is low on copper and rare earths.
   US has stopped importing slave made solar panels.
   Old solar panels added to rubbish each 20 years.
   Coal miners lose their job.

   Pay rent to farmers for food land at 5 acres per MW.
   Our forests and food land are destroyed with sea of solar panels
   and very high wind and energy towers.

   Most of Australia want nuclear energy including a lot of young people.